Carole-Ann Matignon Sparkling Logic - Co-Founder & CEO
Carole-Ann is co-founder and CEO of Sparkling Logic, a leader in Decision Management technology.
Over her 15+ years in Decision Management, she has consistently brought innovation in the business rules and decision management space, which has been recognized by leading industry analysts Gartner and Forrester. She holds several patents in decision management and adaptive modeling.
Carole-Ann started her career building Expert Systems and Business Intelligence dashboards, then specialized in Business Rules / Optimization at ILOG and finally led the vision and direction for Blaze Advisor & Decision Management tools at FICO. She is a passionate & renowned blogger and speaker.
How do you extract your business rules? Do they reside in the head of your experts? Do they hide in your data?
There are 2 camps leveraging different technologies: analytics and business rules. In this talk, we will talk about the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches, and when and how you should use them.
With the explosion of data, there is a fantastic opportunity to improve decision making. While accessibility has been addresses, the velocity and variety of data is becoming a new challenge. The data scientist shortage will force us to look at analytics in a different way. Are analytics applicable to all and any problems? Those are some of the considerations we will ponder while looking at practical usage of analytics and business rules.